No-Till Growers

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[Some of] Dr. Elaine Ingham's Greatest Hits & Soil Food Web Inc.

For better, us growers are deeply dependent on a complicated world of micro and macro biology that many of us understand little about, or worse, not understand at all (including me, no really). But, can you blame us? Soil science is presented to us in hideously complicated jargon about exudates, photosynthate, proteins, minerals, carbohydrates, and so on. Enter Dr. Elaine ingham, founder of Soil Food Web Inc. Dr. Ingham masterfully translates the world of soil biology into a language farmers can understand and use in the field. So, we’ve put together several of our favorite videos and podcasts with Dr. Ingham to get to know her, her work, and how our frikin’ soils work. Check out and sign up to be notified for the market garden living soil masterclass, expected to drop this Summer.


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The Urban Farm Podcast Ep. 185: Elaine Ingham on 'Life in the Soil'

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The Permaculture Podcast The Soil Food Web with Dr. Elaine Ingham

Videos (probably just as effective as audio only ;)

If you know of any other soil scientists we should be paying more attention to, send us suggestions on the podcast form here and we’ll do our best to get them on the show/site.

Our purpose is to bring you—the farmer—the best no-till growing content out there for free. If you found this post or Dr. Ingham’s podcast to be of value, and want to see No-Till Growers grow, support our work for as little as $2/month on Patreon or Venmo/Paypal a donation to @notilgrowers or, respectively.