Frith Intensive Recap, More Video-casts, & Upcoming Books

It’d take a book to cover the last week in the No-Till Grower community…

First-Ever No-Till Growers Intensive


To start, we couldn’t have asked for a better first-ever No-Till Growers Intensive. Daniel Mays—Frith Farm—came down to Kentucky and dropped some serious no-till knowledge and experience on not just folks from Kentucky, but across the country. Then, everyone got a tour of No-Till Growers headquarters, Rough Draft Farmstead, and the myriad of experiments and experience going on there. Be on the lookout for content from the event soon (Patreon spporters will get the full experience). Arguably more important, beginning and OG no-till growers alike were able to strengthen their connections and motivate one another to grow better next season. To be sure, we didn’t invent small-scale no-till, but every opportunity we can provide to bring farmers—aspiring and experienced—together around improving our soil by reducing tillage… and plenty of beer, the further the movement will spread. Steve Larson, @stevelarson723, said it better…

“It's amazing to hear about the work people like this are doing through books and internet and have the privilege of meeting them in person to begin cultivating relationship and community with the greater whole. The boundaries of this work of ecological, social, and economic regeneration begin to blur as we get glimpses of a more holistic way of being. Lots of work to be done but I have a heart filled with hope, Love and connection.”

In case you we’re able to make it out to Kentucky, we’re putting on another No-Till Growers Intensive with Jared Smith of Jared’s Real Food and Steven Cornett of Nature’s Always Right in California on February 15th.

More Info and Buy Tickets Here: On February 15th, 2020 Jared Smith of Jared's Real Food, Jesse Frost (, and I will be teaming up to teach a no-till intensive workshop in San Diego, CA. See the link above for the details on the full day course and what's included.

No-Till Market Garden Video-cast

We’ve been threatening to add video of the podcast guests for some time now and have put together another round of examples from our main-man Josh Sattin. Check out these two from Ten Mothers about their well story and dialed-in irrigation setup. There’s also a step-by-step TM bed-flip over on the Patreon page. Be sure you’re also subscribed to the No-Till Growers channel and Josh Sattin’s channel to get updates on new grower videos.

Gordon and Vera of Ten Mothers Farm talk about their struggles with digging wells on their new property, the cost involved and some good tips for people looking to dig wells.

Luke, a member of the team at Ten Mothers Farm discusses their irrigation system. It's a flexible system that combines drip and overhead.

One last note on the hats… WE SOLD OUT! Seriously, y’all are the best. Expect those to go out in the mail the beginning of next week. The level of support we get to do this work is mind-blowing and we’re grateful for it every day. The Rad Hatter fundraiser got us a long way towards our goal of adding regular videos of podcast guests and opening up the content we create to everyone. More on that later, time to ship some lids.

Upcoming Books


Publisher Chelsea Green announced a new book coming next February by podcast guest Bryan O’Hara of Tobacco Road Farm (which is one of the OGs that inspired Vera and Gordon of Ten Mothers, no less). Word on the street is Daniel Mays has one coming out soon, as well.

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