FF// Sattin Hill Collab, Frith Farm Update, & New Patreon Perks

Sattin Hill Collab

As is said in nearly every farming conversation, context is everything. But with our near limitless ability to connect with one another, grower-to-grower, we can begin to have conversations around specific contexts—as on the forum—and figure out how best to approach no/low-till production alongside others. No-till in the mid-South comes with it’s own nuances and challenges, and here’s a great example of two folks in similar-enough contexts addressing some issues with the use of compost as deep-mulch in a particular climate/zone. It’s also entertaining AF. If you haven’t already, take a look at some of Josh’s other videos. He was a teacher before he was farmer, and it shows. He does a great job.

I have been experiencing an accelerated loss of compost in our beds during the hot and humid summer months on our North Carolina farm. I welcome special guest Farmer Jesse to share his experiences from his Kentucky farm on this episode.

Frith Farm Event Update

Tickets for the first-ever No-Till Growers event with Daniel Mays of Frith Farm are more than half sold. Daniel has motivated us—here at NTG—to do more intensive cover cropping to better manage nutrients, improve soil biology, and keep the soil covered. It’s just one of the many strategies they employ to create a healthy, profitable, small-scale, no-till, “hyphen-friendly” farm. If you’re not following their work on social media, do so now, as they are one we recommend to everyone. Truly some inspirational work being done there, if you count loader-buckets full of compost inspirational. If so, you might be a no-till grower (and a nerd). For more information about the event, check out the details below. Also, free meadow creature broadfork giveaway to attendees from our friend Diego of Paperpot.Co


New Patreon Supporter Perks

No-Till Growers, The No-Till Market Garden Podcast, and the work we aspire to do in connecting our no/low-till growing community is mostly supported by our Patreon members, and we cannot thank y’all enough. It also allows us to keep our work free and open to anyone and everyone, and behlodens us to our community instead of advertisers and special interests. Farmer Jesse is revamping the Patreon perks, including shoutouts on the podcast, credits on videos, and discounts on not only No-Till Grower events, but some upcoming early access merch, too. If you don’t already support us on Patreon, now is a good time, because season two of the podcast is just around the corner (T-24 days and counting, admit it, you can’t wait to hear that theme music). And, besides, everyone needs a[nother] good field hat.
