Water Quality Q's, Wild Hope Event, & Free Broadfork

Water Quality Q

Our last podcast guest, John Kempf, is passionate about regenerative agriculture. He may be even more passionate about agricultural water quality. In the episode, he touched on how various sources of water may work against our aims of regenerating soil ecology, and where to begin in resolving some of those issues. One suggestion was a Pursanova water filter for bicarbonates/chloromines and another was irrigating from a pond.

Rendezvousfarmmd asks in the growers community, “Does anybody have any experience irrigating directly from a pond. I am mostly worried about contaminants from wildlife (read; poop) being spread onto crops like greens causing illness? Most internet articles I have seen say go for it.”

Though we don’t want to surpress the biological activity within the soil, we also don’t want to contaminate the crop. Do you irrigate from a pond? What have you done on your farms to improve the quality of your water?

Wild Hope Event

Way back in the beginning of season one of the podcast, we had Shawn Jadrnicek of Wild Hope Farm, South Carolina, talk about some of the innovative cover cropping they’re doing with no-till veg on quite a large scale. Check out the episode below…

Today we talk to Shawn Jadnricek, author of The Bio-Integrated Farm, about his work at Wild Hope Farm using his own innovative Roller Crimper system.  Follow Wild Hope Farm: https://www.instagram.com/wildhopefarm/ The Bio Integrated Farm: https://www.chelseagreen.com/product/the-bio-integrated-farm/ Farmer Jesse Links:  Patreon Group: https://www.patreon.com/FarmerJesse?alert=2 Podcast Facebook: https://m.facebook.com/The-No-Till-Market-Garden-Podcast-348435182395903/?ref=bookmarks Farm: roughdraftfarmstead.com Farmer Jesse's Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/farmer.jesse.3511 Farmer Jesse's Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/farmer_chef_jesse RDF instagram: https://www.instagram.com/roughdraftfarmstead/?hl=en Farm Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/roughdraftfarmstead  

They recently announced a workshop they’re hosting about successful large[er] scale no-till cover cropping September 29th:

“The first rule of soil conservation is to never leave your soil bare as the ecologist, Paul Sears wonderfully sums up with this quote, "Mother Earth is a staid and dignified old lady, no nudist by choice." Come learn all about the innovative cover cropping and no-till techniques we use on the farm to increase our organic matter and grow highly nutritious crops. Workshop details and ticket info on our website.”

In case you missed it, they’re also releasing bite-sized videos about seasonal cover cropping over on the Wild Hope YouTube page. Definitely worth a subscribe.

Free Broadfork at Frith

Speaking of events, if the Frith Farm at Rough Draft Intensive has been on your to do list, get after it. There are only five tickets left for the all-day workshop! Did we mention Paperpot.Co was going to give away a free Meadow Creature Broadfork? Details below…

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