What Do We Do with Your Money?

Often we give to causes or organizations we believe in, but how often do we really know where our money goes?

It’s easy to see a Patreon counter—ours is currently at $2,500, let’s get it to $3,000 by the end of season three—or hear sponsor ad copy on a podcast and assume it’s free money. That all of it is done with a little free time and a microphone. Sometimes, when I hear some of my own favorites like Radiolab, I still think Really? A podcast needs that to operate? And they’re asking for more?

No-Till Growers started with a mic, an ipad, and a budget of both time and really real vegetable-earned money that came off of our own farms and out of our own pockets, respectively. Happily so. It’s grown into a multi-season podcast with over half-a-million downloads to date featuring some of the most preeminent growers in the world on the practical aspects of applying the four principles of ecological growing to small-scale veg.

For the most part, it’s finally beginning to make sense. Some ends are being met and not without a great deal of support from some of you. Out of respect and appreciation for everyone who has ever or continues to give to No-Till Growers, and we feel absolutely (read: stupidly) fortunate to do what we do, we wanted to give y’all a simplified breakdown of our current season three budget. Here is where our money comes from. Here is where your money goes.

Income for Season Three

Proportion of revenue from our three primary sources. Almost 60% of our support comes from individual contributions. We mean it when we say, y'all make No-Till Growers possible!

Patreon $18,900.00
Sponsors $9,600.00
YouTube $4,000.00
Total Income $32,500.00

People Power $28,000.00
Contributors $15,000.00
Administrative $13,000.00
* Estimated # hours/year: 2,500
Web Presence $700.00
Podcast $4,450.00
Hosting $350.00
Equipment $1,200.00
Software $500.00
Editing $2,400.00
* On-Site Video $3,500.00
Total Expenses $36,650.00

Net -$4,150.00

* These figures are based on current projections and may change throughout the season depending on pandemics, elections, invasions of murder hornets, or God knows what else.

But, there is still more we could do. Not just more, but better. Better grower interviews, more in-depth mini-series, a greater diversity of perspectives. The theme music, however, stays. Not sorry.

To continue to improve and continue to be farmers ourselves—because we were shown there is a ton of value in real farmer-to-farmer talk—it takes capital: people, time, and money. To reach more folks. To do the research so we can ask those better questions. To get more stellar growers to contribute to the body of work that is No-Till Growers. To make sure we still have time to get our own seeds in the ground and have time leftover in the day to spend with our families.

So, here’s what we do with your money: we bend the world slightly more toward regenerative agriculture. And it’s worth every penny.
