Q&A w/ Howard Allen of Faithfull Farms

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Josh Q&As w/ Howard Allen of Faithfull Farms in Chapel Hill, North Carolina about faith, family, and farming, growing mostly under tunnels, educating up-and-coming farmers, having an abundence mentality in the local marketplace, the KIS mindset and SOPs, making decisions with a long view of small-scale agriculture, and so SO much more. Howard is a great guest, grower, and guy. Score two alliterations in one show note.

Check out these videos at Faithfull Farms
Year-Round No-Till Tunnel Production
Bootstrapping High Tunnels
Buffer Zone Between Tunnels
Flipping Beds of Baby Greens

New episodes of Growers Live are brought to you by YOU, our patrons and supporters. Follow No-Till Growers and Josh Sattin on Instagram and visit notillgrowers.com/support to pitch in for more free content. As always, patreons get first dibs on questions.

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