Immigrant Farmers Growing Together in Nashville, w/ Tally May

Want to know which are the most profitable vegetable and flower crops and how to grow them? How to market them direct to your community, and tips for running a farm business? Learn all that and more by subscribing to Growing for Market Magazine. Their writers aren’t professional writers, they are farmers, like you and me. They won’t tell you how TO grow, they’ll tell you how THEY grow, so you can decide what works best for you and your farm. Growing for Market is celebrating 30 years of helping local food & flower farmers succeed with articles written by experienced growers from around North America. Growing for Market is by farmers, for farmers. Plus, subscriptions start at only $30 per year! Whether you do farmers markets, local wholesaling, a CSA, or dream of starting a farm; check them out today at! Request a free sample print or digital copy from the website, and…


At the heart of sustainable ag is the belief that soil health and thriving ecosystems grow the very best food. Certified Naturally Grown is a grassroots certification program that recognizes direct-market farmers using holistic methods, and shows your customers that the products you bring to market are grown to the highest ecological standards. If you’re looking for an affordable certification option that focuses on the thriving of local farms and foodways, you’re going to want to check out CNG. Their peer-to-peer inspections create opportunities for farmers to connect, exchange knowledge and build regional support between growers.


What does it look like to give Burmese and Bhutanese elders and families, and by extension immigrant and refugee peoples, meaningful growing opportunities?

Today, I chat with Tallahassee May, the farm director of Growing Together Nashville. First, let’s just agree that Tallahassee May is one of the best names we’ve ever heard. Second, Growing Together Nashville is a part of the Nashville Food Project. It leases a couple of acres of church land in inner city Nashville to Bhutan and Burmese farmers, most of them elders, so they may grow produce both for their famalies and community, make a supplemental income, and have meaningful work.

After the conversation, stick around because Tally asked some of the same questions to the farmers through a translator. Not only is it important to hear the voices of the farmers themselves, you can hear the birds, the trains, the inside jokes lost in translation, the airplanes, the laughter, it’s just a great listen. Let it play.

I just cannot get over the amount of gratitude these people have simply for the opportunity to grow.

The Growing Together CSA Farmsite

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Mentioned in the show...

The Nashville Food Project

Faithlands, an Agrarian Trust Toolkit

No-Till Growers video w/ The Treehouse Farm Collective
