Help Susana Rebuild Solar for Salamander Springs

Several weeks ago, we here in KY experienced hellish sustained winds and many farms across the mid-South and South East took a small hit. Then, we got this message from a dear farmer close to our hearts and homes, Susana Lein. If you missed it, you can listen to here episode of the podcast below. She is also putting on several amazing workshops on her farm—we can personally attest to how great these are—over the course of 2020, which you can find on her website and newsletter.

Susana Lein - Salamander Springs Farm  Site: Her Newsetter: Grow Appalachia:   Support our work at  Or Venmo @notillgrowers    Events I mentioned:  Also check out our show sponsors:   and        No Till Growers Site:   No Till Grower Instagram:   Podcast Facebook:  

Winter Storm & Challenges at the Farm
Opportunities to Support Salamander Springs
It has been a challenging winter at Salamander Springs Farm.  After repairs to the old solar electric system and other unexpected expenses, a severe storm on January 11 did a lot of damage.  Susana has been salvaging, repairing and taking on extra work. She is deeply grateful for a caring and nurturing community who have reached out in so many ways. She wants to thank many of you who have emailed, and regrets that being off-grid without internet, she's not able to individually reply to each of you.

A few folks have asked how they can help. For those close-by, Susana would be grateful for help with clean-up and repair parties at the farm once the weather warms. You can also donate to a clean-up and repair fund using the Paypal link below. Lastly, share this newsletter and workshops with your community. As you know, Susana doesn't have social media. Thank you! 
