Jesse talk with Jeff Lowenfels, the author of the "Teaming with" series: Teaming with Microbes, Teaming with Fungi, and Teaming with Nutrients, about the importance of balancing bacteria and fungi in annual crop production.
Read MoreRichard Perkins is back to talk about his new farm, a brief bout of burnout, and some philosophy on proper scale and interdependence. RichardPerkins.Co, the Farm Like a Hero project, an his book Regenerative Agriculture.
Read MoreJesse talks with Jodi about doing high production field greens and roots in New Zealand, building soil from scratch, a simple approach to fertility, harvesting, marketing, and growing lots and lots—and lots—of micro greens efficiently.
Read MoreJesse talks with Matthew and Nancy Kost of Buffalo Seed Company about small-scale seed production, naturally selecting for specific growing conditions and practices, regional adaptation, and resiliency.
Read More[Frith farm] is elegant, efficient, and Daniel excels at detailing it. It is an owner’s manual for Frith Farm, and there are few farms to which I’d rather have a manual… this is the book I wish I’d had starting out. No hyperbole.
Read MoreJesse talks with Dr. Jones about how the human microbiome not only reflects, but is effected by the soil microbiome, microbial quorum sensing within those biomes, and some practical implications for the market garden.
Read MoreJesse talks with Kip and Angelique of Smarter by Nature about hay mulch—super into hay mulch right now, can you tell?—and it’s effects, bed building process, and using as many of the resources they have freely or cheaply available.
Read MoreJesse talks with Niva and Yotam Kay of Pakaraka Farm in New Zealand about their work growing no-till off-grid on small acreage. Everyone knows by now off-grid holds a soft spot in my heart…
Read MoreNo-Till Growers started with a mic, an ipad, and a budget of both time and really real vegetable-earned money that came off of our own farms and out of our own pockets, respectively. Happily so. It’s grown into…
Read MoreJesse talks with Under Cover consultant Jan-Henrik Cropp about the nuts and bolts of his unique system of growing one’s own hay and haylage for no-till cropping systems and considerations for implementing it on your own farm.
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